I don’t think I’m divulging anything patient spouse doesn’t already know when I say that I burn for Joan Cusack.
True Confessions, Music Dept.
Okay, if I’m going to weigh in on the worst songs of all time (pop division), I’m going to have...
Worst. Songs. Ever.
Well, apparently Blender has put out a 50 Worst Songs Ever list. Although their website only gives the bottom 10,...
Some weeks need a good CTRL-Z
I mean, really. Four days out of town, followed by my forgetting what used to be called Secretaries Day (and...
Back in terra cognita
Okay, maybe it wasn’t as bad as all that. I felt a little sorry for the struggling little city, that’s...
More things I have seen in Arkansas
Tourist trap signage that took me the long way around to my destination, conveniently right past the local amusement park.A...
New slogans for Hot Springs
Hot Springs: Utica without the charm Hot Springs: Niagara without the falls. Hot Springs: Come for the soothing waters, stay...
Things I have seen in Arkansas
A man who at some point in his life put his right arm and some of his left hand somewhere...
Arkan-what, now?
Apparently Saturday is Happy Family Travel Day in our nation’s airports. Did you know that? I was unaware. As a...
The Lion of Luther
Watched the condensed version of the Paris-Roubaix on OLN for the second time tonight. (Mad props to OLN for bringing...