
The Lion of Luther

Watched the condensed version of the Paris-Roubaix on OLN for the second time tonight. (Mad props to OLN for bringing vastly more bike racing to TV this year, by the way.) It occurred to me that with the retirement of Johann Museeuw from racing, his title of “The Lion of Flanders” is now up for grabs. “I could be ‘The Lion of Flanders,'” says I. “You can try, but you might be a bit old,” says the wife. I admit that this is the case, though I had been thinking more of simply appropriating the title than of earning it. However, there’s a slightly wide spot in the road on my regular ride called Luther, and I’m the only cyclist I ever see on those hills. “True,” says I, “but I could definitely be The Lion of Luther.” She let me have that one.

Rebekah tonight was very industriously cutting and taping paper together to make a “portable DVD player”, which she explained needed the quotes around it because it was pretend. She did a nice job, and used a set of earmuffs for headphones. When we went upstairs at the end of the night, she was sitting on the toilet, headphone/earmuffs attached to the “player” by a string, bopping along to the imaginary music coming from her “portable DVD player.” So funny, so sweet.

Also, one of the dolls is being bad. Some of the dolls that have come into this house have been bad from the day they arrived; others just get that way. In this case, it’s Clara, who stands about 2-1/2 feet tall. She’s been awfully bad lately, and gets tied up as a result. Today, she broke the new monkey’s leg. For this, she was sent to Workville, which is were bad people go at Hogwarts (ours, not the licensed version). With her was sent a note explaining her transgressions, which included the admonition that “If Clara has a black or an orange monkey with her, please call us and we will come and get it.” For some reason that just tickled me — they knew she could get up to mischief, even in Workville, and they weren’t going to put up with it. Too funny.

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