Hot asphalt is the Devil’s straight edge
Le roof, c’est fini! No idea what the French word for roof is. But it’ll come to me. And I’d...
Things roofing has taught me
Wasps are capable of making lots of nests in the same location, over and over. Lots of them. Never turn...
The roof is not on fire
Nor is it leaking. At least not the garage roof. The porch roof needs a little more work (such as,...
Depth of suckage
I said this earlier this evening with regard to an ill-conceived music video featuring Starship (how exactly did they go...
You people are seriously messed up
Today and yesterday, all the standard searches for wood rosin were swamped, swamped I tell you, by some of the...
Labors of the weekend
This Labor Day weekend has been all about getting things done around the house, things that should have been done...
No longer chillin’
That room is SO insulated. I’m going back in with more foam later, but that’s just icing on the cake,...
Culture Corner
It’s “Massive Gunshot Wound Weekend” here in the DVD corner. “Phone Booth,” which was quite well-done and very stylishly presented....
Not for the faint of heart
But if you’re bored and wondering just what kind of sick search requests are going on out there, you should...