
Yay, modern medicine!

‘Cause I was so tired of those leeches. Stomach bug was gone quickly, replaced by the gnawing realization that my semi-annual sinus infection had arrived and I wasn’t going to get rid of it by ignoring it. Very annoying, since my allergy symptoms have been pretty under control this spring for the first time in a long time. Hey, Doc, don’t bogart those antibiotics! Feel good, though, and even got in a quick ride last night on the pretense of picking up my meds. I’ve got to stop being such a distance whore and settle for shorter rides more often, instead of waiting until I can get 20 or 30 miles in. I’m thinking of joining up with the local club and doing some rides there, too. I laugh at their distance, but jeez, at least they’re out doing it! And so shall I.

Loving the new Sanseverino disc. Can’t provide a direct link, but if you go to Sony’s website and scroll through the artists to Sanseverino, you can find some previews. They’re at Amazon, too, but I ended up getting it through CDQuest, an Amazon seller, for half the price Amazon wanted. He’s actually Italian, singing in French, doing something called “swingue severe,” and it really works. Think “Squirrel Nut Zippers,” and if that means nothing to you, there’s nothing more I can do. Much better engineered than a lot of world music, too. The song that sent me to my Visa card is titled “A l’enterrement de ma grand-mere” — “at the burial of my grandmother,” and baby, it swings!

Speaking of music, the whole Blender/VH1 list is out now, and I was thinking about talking about more of it, but I have never even heard about half the songs. It really suffers from videocentrism, and I suffer from having other things to do with my life than catalog and remember crappy music (the secret joy of getting older – you really don’t have to care about that stuff). Perhaps we should just start with a “Worst Songs of the ’60s” list and move forward from there . . . hmmm, perhaps I shall. Can you hum along to “Eve of Destruction”? Knew you could.

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